Client Information...
A commitment to practical solutions and a determination to succeed - providing a value for money service that produces results, without compromising on quality

We are an independent recruitment company, dealing primarily with permanent vacancies. The emphasis is on providing an individual and personal service based on your trust of consultants assessment of candidates

We are able to recommend whatever is the most effective recruitment strategy without a vested interest. Fully resourced services include:
Executive Search
Salary levels from £40,000
Advertised Selection
All Levels - Individual to Multiple Roles
Database Search
Salary Levels from £18,000 to £120,000
Other Services
Psychometric Assessment
Team Building / Succession Planning
Our approach to any vacancy is firstly to question if we are appropriate? We then establish the recruitment needs, time scales, creating and refining the candidate profile in order to pre-select and interview candidates - providing a written assessment of suitability.

We outsource a full range of resources:
Full Service Creative Advertising Agency
Media Booking Agency
International Researchers
IT Researchers
IT Solutions and Support
The primary source of clients is personal recommendation and placed candidates.

The primary source of candidates is personal recommendation - which gives us a level of exclusivity, as these candidates will tend to register solely with us.

New Client
Mail us at or call us on +44(0)20 7487 4844 .

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